1984 Choir-Orchestra Spring Concert

Wed., Apr. 18, 1984

The Department of Music presented the College Choir and College-Community Orchestra in a concert at 8:00pm in Rubendall Recital Hall. They performed George F. Handel's Concerto a due cori No. 2 amd Obooe Concerto in G Minor; Antonio Vivaldi's "Spring"; Ralph Vaughn Williams' "Fantasia"; Jules Massenet's "Meditation"; Edmund Najera's arrangements of the Italian folk melodies "Su la piu Alta Cima" and "Oila Maruska"; Claudin de Sermisy's "Languir me fais, sans t'avoir offensee"; and Truman Bullard's arrangements of the Russian folk melodies "Golden Glow of Evening", "Song of the Fence Weavers", and "Skipping Through the Forest". 


1984 Choir-Orchestra Spring Concert Program