214th Opening Convocation

Tue., Sep. 2, 1986

The 214th opening convocation was accompanied by a special celebration of Dickinson's relationship with the University of Bologna on its 900th anniversary. The ceremony was held on Tuesday, September 2, 1986 at 8:00 pm in the Anita Tuvin Schlechter Auditorium. Following the academic procession, the Dean of the College introduced new faculty members, academic professionals, and administrative staff. Next, scholarship recipient were recognized, sopister awards were presented, and the Emil. R. and Tamar Weiss prize for the Creative Arts was inaugurated. President Banks gave a presidential address entitled "On Barriers and Bridges." Fabio Roversi-Monaco, Rector of the University of Bologna, gave an address, and was subsequently awarded an honorary degree by the college. Faculty promotions, new appointments, college sophisters, and honor prizes and scholarships were all announced. Several people were recognized for excellence in special fields.

Event Type: 

214th Opening Convocation Program