219th Opening Convocation

Tue., Sep. 3, 1991

This opening convocation ceremony was held on Tuesday, September 3, 1991, at 7:30 pm in the Anita Tuvin Schlechter Auditorium. Following the academic procession and matriculation of new students, new members of the college were presented by the Dean of the College. The Junior and Senior Sophisters and Phi Beta Kappa were both recognized for academic excellence. Resident Advisers, Lindback Scholars, the Class of 1902 Award, and the Shuman Awards were all presented for leadership. President Fritschler then gave remarks on the opening of the 219th year. Faculty promotions, new appointments, and honor prizes and scholarships were announced. Dana Scholars and the students on the Deans List were also recognized.

Event Type: 

219th Opening Convocation Program