Brenda Smith Barrett Performs

Tue., Apr. 10, 1990

The Music Department presented a faculty recital by mezzo-soprano Brenda Smith Barrett, accompanied by pianist Kee Mann Chang, at 8:15pm in Rubendall Recital Hall.  She performed Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's "Das Veilchen"; Ludwig van Beethoven's "Mailied"; Franz Schubert's "Wanderers Nachtlied", "Der Musensohn", amd "Who is Sylvia?"; Johannes Brahms' "Dämmrung senkte sich von oben", "Serenate", and "Auf dem Kirchofe"; Franz Liszt's "Der Du von dem Himmel bist"; Hugo Wolf's "Anakreons Grab" and "Gebet (Mörike)"; Robert Schumann's "Liebeslied"; Ralph Vaughan Williams' "Orpheus with his Lute"; William Schumann's "Orpheus with his Lute"; Francis Poulenc's "Fancie"; Benjamin Britten's "Fancie"; Aaron Copland's "Nature, the gentlest Mother", "The World feels Dusty", and "Why do they shut me out of Heaven?"; Vincent Persichetti's "Thou Child So Wise"; Charles Ives' "Abide with me"; Samuel Barber's "The Nun takes the Veil"; and Leonard Bernstein's "Simple Song".


Brenda Smith Barrett Faculty Recital Program