Collegium Musicum Presents "German and English Music"

Fri., Apr. 30, 1982

The Department of Music presented the Collegium Musicum in a concert of "German and English Music from the 15th and 16th Centuries" in Anita Tuvin Schlechter Auditorium. They performed Ludwig Senfl's "Da Jakob nu das Kleid ansach", "Ich armes Maidlein", "Es wollt ein Maidlein", "Im Maien", "Im Bad woll wir recht frolich sein", "Ach Elslein", and "Wann ich des Morgens frueh aufsteh"; the anonymously-written "Ich hett mir ein Endlein" and "Die Katzenpfote"; Stefan Mahu's "Es gieng ein wolgezogner"; Henry VIII's "Taunder naken"; and "Gaude gloriosa Dei mater". 


"German and English Music from the 15th and 16th Centuries" Program