Collegium Musicum Presents "Multicultural America: Music from Many Traditions"

Fri., Apr. 20, 1990

The Music Department presented the Collegium Musicum's "Multicultural America: Music from Many Traditions" at 8:00pm in Rubendall Recital Hall.  The ensemble performed Karl Kroeger's arrangement of Jeremiah Dencke's "Gesegnet bist du mein Volk"; A. Büchse's "Neue Heimat"; Asa Hull's "Ich weiss einen Strom"; the Plains Indian melody attibuted to Belle Wilson Rouse, "Hahoo, Ma'heo'o"; Ellis Kohs' "Song of the Rainchant"; the traditional Irish songs "I'm a poor Irish girl" and "O Danny Boy"; Samuel Barber's "The Coolin"; Pablo Casals' "Canco a la Verge"; Joan Manuel Serrat's "Els Titelles"; the traditional Korean song "Arirang"; Vincenzo Bellini's "Vaga luna che inargenti"; Hall Johnson's arrangements of the African-American songs "Stan' Still, Jordan", "Let de Heb'n-light shine on me", and "Couldn't hear nobody pray", as transcribed by Natalie Curtis Burlin; the traditional Polish-American song "Arum dem fayer"; Akira Nakata's "Early Spring"; Arvids Purvs' "Es Savos Balinos"; Adolfs Abele's "Tris Meitinas Sadereja"; Jazeps Vitols' "Karalmeita"; Claude Goudimel's "Mon Dieu, preste moi l'aureille"; the French tune "God set us here till savage rulers fell"; William Billings' "Let tyrants shake their iron rods"; William Walker's arrangement of "Wondrous Love"; and Albert E. Brumley's "Turn your radio on".


"Multicultural America: Music from Many Traditions" Program