Concert Chorale Performs

Tue., Apr. 11, 1961

The Concert Chorale, under the direction of Jack Jarrett, gave a concert in Bosler Auditorium at 8:15pm. The Brass Quintet and two accompanists, Lynn Riethmiller and Marianne Huddy, performed as well in this choral show presented by the Department of Music. Their program of twelve pieces was also performed at Richard Montgomery High School in Rockville, Maryland and All Souls Unitarian Church in Washington, D.C. on April 22 and 23, respectively. They sang Jacbus Gallus' "Ascedndit Deus (God goes up on high)", Luigi Da Vittoria's "O Magnum Mysterium", selections from Johann Sebastian Bach's Saint Matthew Passion, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's "Gloria in Excelsis", Randall Thompson's "Alleluia", Dickinson student Robert Malone's "Psalm of Joy", John Wilbye's "Adieu, Sweet Amaryllis", Johannes Brahms' "Der Abend (The evening)", Jack Jarrett's "In Praise of Johnny Appleseed", Randall Thompson's "The Lark in the Morn", Noble Cain's "Peter, Go Ring dem Bells", and Norman Dello Joio's "A Jubilant Song".


1961 Concert Chorale Performance Program