Duane Michals Photography Presentation

Wed., Apr. 2, 1986

On Tuesday, April 2, 1986, Duane Michals, a noted American photographer, presented his work the Weiss Center for the Arts. The exhibit provided an overview of his photographs taken over a period of 38 years, with prose accompanying the collection.

In his presentation, Michals discussed how many individuals forget how positive and fascinating the present moment is, and how individuals often inherit a pre-constructed world view rather than develop their own unique vision of the world on their own. He emphasized that individuals must be prepared to face failure in order to experience life fully, and that "You only grow through contradictions and growth only comes out of the friction of the old truth and the new truth."

Michals also stated that "Art is to move and touch us, not to be trendy, chic or in vogue,"


Dickinsonian, Apr. 3, 1986, pg. 9.