Faculty Voice Recital

Tue., Oct. 18, 1983

Mezzo-soprano Brenda Smith gave a concert at 8:00pm in Rubendall Recital Hall. Accompanied by Truman Bullard on harpsichord and piano, she sang Henry Purcell's "Music for a While" and "Sweeter than Roses"; Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's "Abendempfindung", "Dans un bois solitaire", and "Ridente la calma"; Hugo Wolf's "Auf einer Wanderung", "Anakreons Grab", "In dem Schatten meiner Locken", "Verschiegene Liebe", "Du denkst mit einem Fadchen", and "Ich hab'in Penna einen Liebsten"; Hector Berlioz's "Villanelle", "L'Absense", "L'Ile inconnue", and "Le Jeune Patre Breton"; Richard Hundley's "Bartholomew Green", "The Astronomers", "Isaac Greentree", and "Come Ready and See Me"; and Charles Ives' "Memories A and B".


Brenda Smith Vocal Recital Program