Noonday Concert

Wed., Oct. 3, 1984

The Department of Music presented the second Noonday Concert of the 1984-1985 academic year in Rubendall Recital Hall. Students and faculty performed Leonhard Lechner's "Mein Grosse Lieb", Jacob Clemens' "Sinnen, Trauern, Furchten", Gregor Lange's "Gut G'sell", G.B. Sammartini's "Sonata in G Major for cello and piano", Joseph Bodin de Boismortier's "Sonata for three flutes", Johann Sebastian Bach's "Concerto in A Minor for violin and orchestra", Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's "Diverto in C Major", and Heinrich Schutz's "O Quam tu pulchra es". 


October 3, 1984 Noonday Concert Program