Noonday Concert

Wed., Apr. 6, 1994

The Music Department presented a Noonday Concert in the Rubendall Recital Hall.  Students and faculty performed Claudio Monteverdi's "Ballo from Tirsi e Clori"; Antonio Vivaldi's "Domine Deus Aria from Gloria"; Paul Hindemith's "Rondo for three guitars"; John Dowland's "If My Complaints Could Passions Move", "In Darkness Let Me Dwell", "Come Again, Sweet Love Doth Now Invite"; Cutting's "Alman"; Claude Debussy's "Mandoline"; Lee Hoiby's "She Tells Her Love" and "An Ammorality"; Neil Morgan's "You Came Back"; and Lennie Niehaus' arrangement of Thomas "Fats" Walker's "Ain't Misbehavin'".


Noonday Concert Apr. 6, 1994 Program