Songs of Love from the Courts of 17th Century France and Italy

Wed., Nov. 13, 1996

The Music Department presented "Songs of Love from the Courts of 17th Century France and Italy," a concert by Trio Artemis, at 8:00pm in Memorial Hall.  The trio performed Etienne Moulinié's "Orilla del claro Tajo", "L'auzel ques sul bouyssou (air Gascon)", "Por la verde orilla", and "Non speri pieta"; Antoinne Boesset's "Objet dont leas Charmes" and "N'esperez plus mes yeux"; Marin Marais' "Suite for viol in A minor"; Michel Lambert's "Ombre de mon amant" and "Chasse l'ennui"; Tarquinio Merula's "Folle è ben che si crede", "Menti lingua bugiarda", and "Hor che tempo di dormire"; Barbara Strozzi's "Non volete ch'io mi dolga"; Diego Ortiz's "2 recarcadas"; Giulio Caccini's "Belle rose" and "Amor ch'attendi"; Claudio Monteverdi's "Si dolce è il tormento"; and Girolamo Frescobaldi's "Se l'aura spira" and "Cosi mi disprezzati (aria di passacaglia)".


"Songs of Love from the Courts of 17th Century France and Italy" Program