On the morning of Saturday, March 3, 1984, three altercations took place involving visiting members of Phi Delta Theta chapters, Dickinson students, and Campus Police. All three incidents occurred within the hours of 12 and 3 am, with the most serious incident involving a fight between a member of the Allegheny College chapter of Phi Delta Theta and a Dickinson student. The Allegheny student received treatment for a severe bite wound at Carlisle hospital.
Neither of the other two incidents resulted in personal injury. Campus Police successfully resolved an argument between members of Phi Delta Theta and Alpha Chi Rho, and another, simultaneous argument between Phi Delta Thetas and Dickinson students diffused without violence.
Eugene Fiamma, president of the Dickinson chapter of Phi Delta Theta, expressed regret about the incidents, while Leonard Goldberg, Dean of Educational Services, stated that he planned to coordinate with the Inter-Fraternity Council to establish guidelines for future conclaves.