Secularist Students Union Poster Campaign Receives Backlash

Date of Event
Thu., Apr. 8, 2010

Posters reading “Don’t believe in God? You are not alone” and “Are you good without God? Millions are” posted by members of SSU were removed. In response, a Christian group on campus chalked a sidewalk, which in turn, was vandalized. Tensions between religious groups on campus reached a flashpoint.  

Arts Haüs Looks to Overturn Suspension with Student Support

Date of Event
Tue., Feb. 9, 2010

Student Senate passed a resolution advocating for Art Haüs’s reinstatement. The suspension, in early February 2010, came after the house had been on probation for a “large, unregistered party” in 2008. After a failure to clean the house at the end of the 2009 spring semester, the house was suspended. Arts Haüs rallied students and other organizations through a petition, Facebook group, and letter writing campaign.

Founder's Day Celebrations for Sigma Alpha Epsilon

Date of Event
Fri., Mar. 8, 1907

The Pennsylvania Sigma Phi chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon gathered in the Assembly hall for their annual Founder's day dance and reception. Large letters, S.A.E, made of hemlock were on display in the hall as well as other decorations honoring the fraternity. The Germania Orchestra performed at the event. 

Phi Kappa Psi Hosts Dance

Date of Event
Fri., Feb. 8, 1907

Franklin and Marshall College’s combined musical clubs performed in Carlisle. As a number of the members belonged to Phi Kappa Psi, Dickinson’s chapter hosted a dance in their honor following the concert. Members of the fraternity and their guests occupied 56 seats at the concert. The party was held at the Carlisle Armory which was decorated with the colors of the fraternity and of “Old Dickinson.” Many townsfolk were also in attendance.

Event Type

Freshman Class Banquet

Date of Event
Thu., Feb. 7, 1907

A banquet was held for the freshman class, class of 1910, in the New Wellington Hotel in Carlisle. The men arrived at five o’clock and the women followed at seven, the dinner was served for all at eight o’clock by the Proprietor Caley. The toast master was Henry G. Brenneman and following the scheduled toasts, many impromptu toasts were given.

Event Type

Junior Class Sled Ride

Date of Event
Mon., Jan. 28, 1907

At 8 o’clock in the morning the Junior class took a sleigh ride starting at Lloyd Hall to Walnut Bottom Road. When they reached their destination, there was a party waiting with dinner and games. The class "voted the occasion one of the best in the history of the class."

Event Type

First Meeting of the Dramatic Club

Date of Event
Thu., Nov. 1, 1906

After a compelling argument in the Dickinsonian published on October 31, 1906, in favor of created a drama club on campus, a meeting was called for the next day. It was held by Mrs. Lucretia McAnney of the College Faculty and, because of the huge turnout, she was able to order the creation of the organization, officially named The Dramatic Club. The officer positions were decided as President Wagg, ’09; Vice President Schwartz, ’09; Recording Secretary C.H. Stuart ’08; Corresponding Secretary Yard, ’09; Treasurer, Levy, ’10, and Mrs.