Men Doubling Gap, PA, c.1890
Three men stand in a gazebo while at Doubling Gap, Pennsylvania around 1890.
Three men stand in a gazebo while at Doubling Gap, Pennsylvania around 1890.
Three men, one with a wheelbarrow, stand outside the western end of East College on the John Dickinson Campus around 1890.
View of Metzger College across the lawn and through the trees around 1890.
View of Professor James Henry Morgan (Class of 1878) and his wife, Mary Curran Morgan (Class of 1888), around 1890.
Professor James Henry Morgan (class of 1878) around 1890.
Julia Morgan (Class of 1911), Margaret Morgan (Class of 1914), and Uncle Hall around 1895.
View of the Old Gymnasium from W. Louther Street circa 1890.
View of the Old Gymnasium from the corner of N. College and W. Louther Streets circa 1890. The cupola of West College is visible in the distance.
Several members of the Dickinson Preparatory School Football team around 1890.
View of the President's house around 1890.
View of renovations to the President's House around 1890. This house is located at the corner of W. High Street and S. West Street.
View of Cornelius Wiltbank Prettyman (class of 1872) around 1890.
Francis Cutter Roach is a member of the Class of 1890.
Frederick Stitt (Class of 1895) and Robert McAlarney (Class of 1893) stand in room #41 in Old West during their junior year.
View of dorm room #41 in West College around 1890.
View as Robert McAlarney (Class of 1893), Virgil Prettyman (Class of 1892), Cornelius Prettyman (Class of 1891), and Harry Stock (Class of 1891) play a card game in room #48 in West College around 1890.
A science class meets in the Tome Scientific Building around 1890.
Formal portrait of Zatae Longsdorff Straw's husband, Amos Gale Straw, around 1890.
A number of students sit in Lovers' Lane around 1890.
Men and women play tennis together on a court near the athletic field around 1890.
Men play tennis on a court adjacent to the Old Gymnasium around 1890.
View of the Tome Scientific Building around 1890. This photograph is a cabinet card.
Charles Jameson Turpin is a member of the Class of 1890.
Two men pose for a photograph in dorm room around 1890. The specific dorm building has not been identified.
Hammond Urner is a member of the Class of 1890.