Maud Zeamer Keat, 1894
Maud Zeamer Keat is a member of the Class of 1894.
Maud Zeamer Keat is a member of the Class of 1894.
Milton S. Kistler is a member of the Class of 1894.
Norman Landis is a member of the Class of 1894.
Persis Longsdorff Sipple is a member of the Class of 1894.
Frank MacDaniel is a member of the Class of 1894.
Walter Gelston McNeil is a member of the Class of 1894.
Alpheus Maurice Morgan is a member of the Class of 1894.
Albert Edward Piper is a member of the Class of 1894.
Charles LeRoy Robbins is a member of the Class of 1894.
Howard E. Smith is a member of the Class of 1894.
William Stees Snyder is a member of the Class of 1894.
John D. Stoops is a member of the Class of 1894.
John Alfred Tait is a member of the Class of 1894.
William Cannon, a member of the Class of 1898, in February 1894.
Lulu F. Allabach is a member of the Class of 1895.
George William Andrew, a member of the Class of 1895, on May 17, 1895.
Paul Peyton Appenzellar is a member of the Class of 1895.
The Dickinson College baseball team in 1895.
Members of Dickinson's baseball team around 1895.
View of Bosler Hall from W. High Street around 1895.
George H. Bucher is a member of the Class of 1895.
William Charles Clarke is a member of the Class of 1895.