Mermaid Players, "The Cardiff Giant," 1954
Actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of The Cardiff Giant, written by A. M. Drummond & Robert E. Gard, in March 1954.
Actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of The Cardiff Giant, written by A. M. Drummond & Robert E. Gard, in March 1954.
Actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of The Cardiff Giant, written by A. M. Drummond & Robert E. Gard, in March 1954.
An actor stands on a chair during the Mermaid Players' production of The Cardiff Giant, written by A. M. Drummond & Robert E. Gard, in March 1954.
Priestley Award recipient Karl T. Compton (third from left) poses with Professor Vuilleumier (second from left) and President Edel (far right) next to Priestley's burning glass on April 22, 1954.
Karl Taylor Compton receives the Priestley Award from President William Edel on April 22, 1954.
Far left: Chemistry Professor Ernest A. Vuilleumier ; Third from left: C. Scott Althouse
Actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of The Taming of the Shrew in May 1954.
Actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of The Taming of the Shrew in May 1954.
Actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of The Taming of the Shrew in May 1954.
The Class of 1904 celebrate at their 50th reunion.
Left to right: CGB, New York Superior Court Judge Towers, Prof. Mark, Mrs. Isabell Lowengard, George Reed, Miss White, Ivo Otto, Rev. Webster
Thirty years later, alumni from the Class of 1924 are gathered at headquarters during Alumni Weekend.
The Faculty procession at Commencement on June 13, 1954.
A group of students stand on the Academic Quad in front of Old West at Commencement on June 13, 1954.
A group of alumni, faculty, trustees, and honorary degree recipients stand on the porch of Drayer Hall on June 13, 1954. Trickett Hall, as well as several other Dickinson School of Law buildings, are visible in the background.
The back row from right to left is Ernest Vuilleumier (carrying the mace), Boyd Lee Spahr ('00), President William Wilcox Edel ('15), Herbert Wing, Sam Witwer ('30), William F. Hutstader, Robert E. Woodside ('26), Sidney D. Kline ('24), Lewis Guy Rohrbaugh ('07), and Robert F. Rich ('07).
The front row from right to left is Goodrich Cook White, George Henry Ketterer ('08), Lewis Strauss, Janet A. Kelley ('24), Lewis H. Rohrbaugh ('07), and Sheridan Bell
Three students, Murray Eckell ('56), Alice Winett, and Jeanne Carlson, perform in the Mermaid Players' production of John Patrick's Lo and Behold in October 1954.
Actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of John Patrick's Lo and Behold in October 1954.
Two actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of John Patrick's Lo and Behold in October 1954.
Members of the Student Christian Association assist with a Clothes for Korea Clothing Drive in November 1954.
Two actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of Our Town in December 1954.
Actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of Our Town in December 1954.
Malcolm Rosenberg ('57), William Hoyst ('57), and Christopher Miniclier ('57) perform in the Mermaid Players' production of Our Town in December 1954.
Actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of Our Town in December 1954.
Aerial view of campus, looking over the John Dickinson Campus around 1955. The Alumni Gymnasium, the President's house, Denny Hall, and Drayer Hall are also visible. Morgan Hall is the building under construction on the top right of the photo.
Aerial view of campus, looking over the Charles Nisbet Campus and the John Dickinson Campus around 1955. Morgan Hall is the building under construction on the left side of the photo.
Aerial view of Morgan Hall under construction around 1955. Conway Hall is in the foreground of the picture and across the street from Morgan Hall.
Math Professor Frank Ayres with an international student around 1955.