
Memorial Hall, 1993

View as an individual watches snow falling outside Memorial Hall in December 1993.

Men's and Women's Swimming, 1990

The Men's and Women's Swim teams in 1990 with Coach Joe McEvoy.

Men's and Women's Swimming, 1991

The 1991 Men's and Women's Swim teams with Coach Joe McEvoy.

Men's and Women's Swimming, 1992

Men's and Women's Swimming with Coach Joe McEvoy in the Kline Center in 1992.

Men's and Women's Swimming, 1992

The 1992 Men's and Women's Swim teams with Coach Joe McEvoy in the Kline Center.

Men's and Women's Swimming, 1996

The Men's and Women's Swim teams in 1996.

Men's and Women's Swimming Captains, 1990

Captains of Men's and Women's Swimming during the 1989-1990 season.

Left to Right: Chipper Stoll, Meg Bergonzi, Joel Eads, Bob Hartenstine

Men's and Women's Swimming Captains, 1992

The Men's and Women's Swimming Captains of the 1991-1992 season.

Back Row (left to right): Steve Kern, Jennie Ng, Chris Hillman, Linda Medlin, Tom Richardson, John Demetre

Front Row: Stephanie Porsche, Amy Patz, Michele Bryla

Men's Basketball Team, 1990

The 1990 men's varsity and junior varsity basketball teams pose for a combined photo.

First row: Richard Vinci, Bram Zeigler, Christopher Piontkowski, Michael Freese, Steve Siegel, Michael Fortin, Frank Butterfield

Second row:...

Men's Basketball Team, 1991

The 1991 men's basketball team poses for a picture.

Middle row (left to right): Mike Freese ; Kji Kelly ; Daniel "Dan" Williams ; Jim Shanahan ; Rich Vinci ; Greg Cygan ; Chris Piontkowski

Back row (left to right): Jim Sheker ; Dave Peracchia ; Lee Copeland ;...

Men's Basketball Team, 1992

The 1992 men's basketball team takes a photograph.

Floor: Fred Mayhew, Brendan Kilcoyne, Rick Jordan, Glen Adler

Seated: Aaron Gingrich, Nick Bobosko, Brian Harper, Mark Wiebner, Patrick Reed, Jamie Mamera

Men's Basketball Team, 1995

The 1995 Dickinson men's basketball team poses for a picture.

Men's Cross Country Team, 1992

The men's cross country team poses for a photo outside the Kline Center with their Coach Hap Miller in 1992.

Men's Cross Country Team, 1993

The men's cross country team poses for a photo in the Kline Center pond in 1993.

Men's Glee Club reunion, 1995

Alumni of the Men's glee club perform in Rubendall Recital Hall under the direction of Bill Haupt on June 14, 1995.

Men's Lacrosse game, 1995

Men's Lacrosse Player #27 "Walks the Dog" in a game against Scranton in spring 1995.

Men's Lacrosse Team, 1990

The 1990 Men's Lacrosse Team with Coach Wilbur J. Gobrecht.

Men's Lacrosse Team, 1991

The 1991 Men's Lacrosse team with Coach Wilbur J. Gobrecht.

Men's Lacrosse Team, 1992

The 1992 Men's Lacrosse Team with Coach David Breschi.

Men's Lacrosse Team before a game, 1991

Men's Lacrosse Co-Captains Joe Glavin and Jamie Wasson lead the team to the field on game day in spring 1991.

Men's Soccer game, 1990

Brad Shepherd (#8) and Jeff Moll (#4) in a home game against Juniata College.

Men's Soccer game, 1994

An action shot from a soccer game in 1994.

Men's Soccer Team, 1990

The Men's Soccer team in 1990. History Professor John Osborne is the coach.

Men's Soccer Team, 1991

The Men's Soccer team with Coach John Osborne (far left) in 1991.

Men's Soccer Team, 1992

The 1992 soccer team with Coach Les Poolman.


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