Alvin Edward Dillman Jr. is a member of the Class of 1957.
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View of the Dining Services information tent during move-in day on August 25, 1995.
Patrick Kane (class of 1988) and Amelia (Amy) Murillo share a meal in the basement of Drayer Hall.
Chemistry Professor Tom Brennan discusses the results of an experiment with two students around 1990.
Cyrus Irving Ditty ('57) in 1857.
This lithograph was prepared by L. N. Rosenthal of Philadelphia.
Michael Dneaster ('91), in a Domino's Pizza delivery costume, stands in the doorway of a dorm room.
Coach Don Nichter advises the women's cross country team at a meet on September 26, 1995.
Professor Mara Donaldson teaches a religion class on the academic quad in May 1995. Denny Hall is visible in the background.