Commemorative Silver Tea Set, 1964

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00939
Shelf 12

A large silver tea set given to the women of Dickinson College in 1964 by the Carlisle Branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW). It is engraved with "In memory of Mary Curran Morgan" and the details of the presentation. The set includes a tray, two teapots, cream and sugar bowls.


Pierson Prize for Oratory Medal, 1887

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00165
Shelf 26 (housed with AC 00161-00180)

A round gold pendant with oratorical contest details inscribed on both the front and the back. On the front the name of the winner for 1887, "AWARDED TO MARY R. CURRAN AS A PRIZE FOR ORATORY", is inscribed in the center of the medallion, around which reads "FOUNDED BY DANIEL PIERSON MDCCIXXXVII". On the back it reads "COLLEGIUM DICKINSONIENSE DETUR DIGNIORI".