Striped Scarf

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00437
Shelf 16

Maroon and white striped scarf with fringed edges, worn by Lewis Gobrecht.


Lewis Gobrecht's Freshman Button, 1951

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00470
Shelf 2 (housed with 00432-00436, 00443, 00459)

Freshman button worn as name tag by Lewis Gobrecht '55 while attending Dickinson College as a student. Gobrecht majored in Political Science and History at Dickinson and was an active member of the College Choir, Glee Club, and the Dickinson Follies theater group. Gobrecht went on to have a long career teaching middle-school history in Carlisle.


Alpha Chi Rho Wool Socks, c.1950

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00443
Shelf 2 (housed with AC 00432 - AC 00436, AC 00443, AC 00459, AC 00470)

Burgundy knit wool socks with Alpha Chi Rho letters in white wool, made for Lewis Gobrecht, class of 1955.


Lewis Gobrecht's Freshman Beanie and Sign, 1951

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00436
Shelf 2 (housed with AC 00432-00436, AC 00443, AC 00459, AC 00470)

Red felt “dink” beanie, and a brown cardboard sign worn by Lewis Gobrecht '55 as a freshman at Dickinson College in 1951. The front of the sign reads "Lewis D. Gobrecht" in large red letters and "AXP" penciled in smaller letters, with a list of names on the back written in pencil, likely the names of the other members of the Alpha Chi Rho pledge class.


Lewis Gobrecht's Name Buttons, 1955

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00433
Shelf 2 (housed with 00432-00436, 00443, 00459, 00470)

Buttons worn as name tags by Lewis Gobrecht '55 while attending Dickinson College Commencement and Dickinson College Guest Day as a student. Gobrecht majored in Political Science and History and was an active member of the College Choir, Glee Club, and the Dickinson Follies theater group. Gobrecht went on to have a long career teaching middle-school history in Carlisle.


Lewis Gobrecht's Academic Tassel, 1955

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00432
Shelf 2 (housed with 00433-00436, 00443, 00459, 00470)

Academic tassel of black braided cord worn by Lewis Gobrecht, class of 1955. Gobrecht majored in Political Science and History at Dickinson and was an active member of the College Choir, Glee Club, and the Dickinson Follies theater group. Gobrecht went on to have a long career teaching middle-school history in Carlisle.
