Delta Nu Pledge Class Paddle, 1995

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00882
Reading Room 6

The Delta Nu Pledge Class Paddle for 1995 is made out of wood.  Attached to the handle is a green chord but the handle itself is white with the year "1995" in light green lettering surrounded by dark green ivy.  The paddle itself is a rainbow going in reverse order.  At the top off the paddle is a purple octopus holding a light blue flag with "FALL PLEDGE CLASS" and it is also holding a black infinity sign.  Below the octopus is the Greek letters for the sorority but between them is a yellow rose.  At the very bottom of the paddle is a black cauldron with a pig, enguin, rabbit, and a duck inside.  In the front of the cauldron is a lamb and a chick.  Behind the cauldron in the center is a bear - to the left of the bear is an elephant and to the right of the bear is Mufasa from The Lion King.


Phi Epsilon Pi Pledge Class Paddle, 1991

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00880
Reading Room 6 (housed with AC 00876, AC 00875, & AC 00873)

The Phi Epsilon Pi Pledge Class Paddle for 1991 is made of wood.  At the top of the paddle is the fraternity house with two (2) trees - one on either side below that  is the Greek letters in red for the fraternity.  Just below the letters is a white ribbon with "Fall '91" written in green lettering.  Underneath the white ribbon and a bit of yellow is "KAI PETE" in black lettering with below that is "NATURAL WOOD SMOKED" in black lettering.  The words "NET WT. 1.00" in black lettering is a bit lower than the previous words and just underneath is a UPC barcode in black. 


Phi Epsilon Pi Pledge Class Paddle, 1980

Artifact/Collection Number
Ac 00875
Reading Room 6 (housed with AC 00880, AC 00876, & AC 00873)

The Phi Epsilon Pi Pledge Class Paddle for 1980 is made out of wood in the shape of a cigar. On the left side partition is "PHI EP  BRAND" in red lettering, "100% PURE" in yellow lettering with the fraternity crest next to it, and below that is "UNITED TOBACCO" in red  lettering. To the right of the partition is ALLEN, CHRIS, CHRIS, DAVE, DAVE, a gap between names, GORDON, JEFF, MIKE, MIKE, SCOTT, TIM, TOM" and the lettering alternates between red and yellow.  After the names is " '80 SPRING" in black lettering.


Phi Epsilon Pi Pledge Class Paddle, 1978

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00873
Reading Room 6 (housed with AC 00880, AC 00876, & AC 00875)

The Phi Epsilon Pi Pledge Class Paddle is made of wood and has "KING HOUSE" is in large lettering at the top. A crown is carved into the center of the paddle and on the left side of the crown is "ROB, RICH, DAVE" and on the right side of the crown "BILL, RANDY, SVEND." On the rim of the crown it has in black lettering "FALL 1978".  At the very bottom of the paddle is the Greek letters for the fraternity in gold lettering.


Phi Epsilon Pi Pledge Class Paddle, 1982

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00876
Reading Room 6 (housed with AC 00880, AC 00873, & AC 00875)

The Phi Epsilon Pi Pledge Class Paddle for Spring 1982 is made out of wood with Greek letters letters carved into the top center. The names to the left of the fraternity house are "Jim, Dave, Will, Mark" and the names on the right are "Jim, Dave, Scott, Matt." The text at the bottom reads: "HODGE HOUSE"
