Central PA Womyn’s Chorus “We Rise Again” Program - May 19, 2019

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May 19, 2019
Founded in 1994, the Central PA Womyn’s Chorus “brings together a diverse group of women, united by the joy of singing, to celebrate and empower women and to affirm a positive image of lesbians and feminists.” This event program is from the Central PA Womyn's Chorus' spring 2019 concert "We Rise Again," performed on May 19th at Wesley United Methodist Church in Bloomsburg. This concert was the group's second collaboration with the Pennsylvania Immigrant and Refugee Women's Network, the first of which occurred in 2007 during the "Land of Our Dreams" concert. The concert and the program both feature stories of women from South and Central America, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. The Pennsylvania Council on the Arts and the National Endowment of the Arts provided funding for this performance.
General Subjects
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Gift of Mary Nancarrow
LGBT-102 The Central PA Womyn’s Chorus Collection