Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Music Festival Begins

Fri., Apr. 28, 1961

The Department of Music and Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, a national music fraternity, presented a music festival in Bosler Hall on April 28 and 29 at 8:15pm. The festival featured performances from several musical organizations. The Opera Workshop presented the first act of Die Fledermaus (The Bat), a comic operetta by Johann Strauss, for the first part of the festival. Then the Concert Chorale performed "Psalm of Joy", Luigi da Vittoria's "O Magnum Mysterium", and Jack Jarrett's "In Praise of Johnny Appleseed. The singers were joined by the Brass Quintet, who then played Victor Ewald's "Symphony for Brass Choir" after the conclusion of the choir's program. The Glee Club then sang three songs: "Campus Song", Edward Purcell's "Passing By" and Rogers and Hammerstein's "If I Loved You". The festival concluded with all of the aforementioned groups performing a final number: Charles Gounod's "Sanctus, from the St. Cecilia Mass." .


Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Music Festival Program