1974 Parents Day Concert

Sat., Oct. 26, 1974

The Department of Music presented a concert for the 1974 Parents Day at 10:45am in Anita Tuvin Schlechter Auditorium. The program opened with a prelude played by the Brass Ensemble. Then the College Choir and College-Community Orchestra performed Franz Schubert's "Stabat Mater", Johann Sebastian Bach's "Lobet den Herren alle Heiden", and four Slovak folk songs by Bela Bartok: "Wedding Song from Poniky", "Song of the Hayharvesters from Hiadel", "Dancing Song from Medzibrod", and "Dancing Song from Poniky". Collegium Musicum performed "Le chant des oyseaux", Borlet's "Ma tredol rosignol", Johannes Ockeghem's "Alma redemptoris mater", and an anonymously-written song entitled "Vesame y abracame, marido mio". The College-Community Orchestra closed the concert with Georges Bizet's "L'Arlesienne Suite No. 2". 


Parents Day Concert Program