Collegium Musicum Presents "Musical Landscapes of Italy"

Fri., Nov. 10, 1989

The Music Department presented the Collegium Musicum's "Musical Landscapes of Italy in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries" at 8:00pm in Rubendall Recital Hall.  The ensemble performed Adam de Antiquis Venetus' "Lauda Spirituale: Senza te, sacra regina", Giovanni Maria Nanino's "Psalm 149: Cantate Domino canticum novum", Michelangelo Rossi's "Toccata settima", the Gregorian chant "Antiphon for the Magnificat: O beatum virum", Francesco Severi's "Magnificat from Salmi passaggiati per tutti le voci nella maniera che si cantano in roma", Claudio Monteverdi's "Litany of the Blessed Virgin", Francesco da Milano's "Fantasia for lute", Andrea Ansalone's "Music for the descent of the Shepherds from the mountain onto the bridge", Giacomo Spiardo's "Music for the dance of the Satyrs and Apes, played by wind instruments", "Gagliarda Quinta", Don Carlo Gesualdo's "Gagliarda", Hettorre della Marra's "Spagnoletta", Biagio Marini's "Sonata per doi flautini" and "Brando 'Il Barizone'", Giovanni Legrenzi's "Trio Sonata in G Major for two violins and continuo, 'La Raspona'", Girolamo Frescobaldi's "Balletto terzo", Antonio Lotti's "Scherzo d'amore", Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina's "Alla Riva del Tebro", Claudio Monteverdi's "Lamento d'Arianna", and Giovanni Giacomo Gastoldi's "Balletto Amor vittorioso".


"Musical Landscapes of Italy in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries" Program