The Multicultural Fair Hosts Two Performances

Thu., Mar. 3, 1988

During the week of March 1st, the Multicultural Fair hosted two performances. On March 3rd, Min's Karate School of Carlisle was hosted by the Korean Students Association. Students from the School performed basic and complicated forms of karate while Master Min impressed the crowd with complex and seemingly dangerous movements, displaying the discipline of the mind and body that karate requires. On March 4th, the East Asian Club hosted Hon-Jun Guan, a professional Peking Opera performer. His performance showed Dickinson students and community members that Peking Opera incorporates not only singing but also dancing, acrobatics, martial arts, and acting. Within his performance he acted as the Monkey King, a character dear to the culture of China. Both of these performances allowed Dickinson students to learn more about cultural aspects of Asian countries.


Dickinsonian, Mar. 10, 1988, pg. 11.