
About Timeline

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Sat., Nov. 1, 1941 1941 Homecoming Football Game
Tue., Dec. 9, 1941 Dr. Julia Morgan Speaks on Work in China
Sun., Dec. 14, 1941 First Practice Air Raid
Mon., Dec. 15, 1941 Dramatic Club's Production of "Vivacious Lady" Opens
Tue., Jan. 12, 1942 Earl Marlotte Gives Chapel Address on Hymn
Thu., Jan. 15, 1942 President Announces Wartime Courses
Thu., Feb. 26, 1942 "This Amazing America" Film Showing
Wed., Apr. 8, 1942 Dr. William Landis Dies
Thu., Apr. 23, 1942 Tau Delta Pi Performs Variety Show
Sat., Apr. 25, 1942 James Tisdel Receives ODK Award
Tue., Apr. 28, 1942 Fraternities Register for Sugar Rations
Sat., May 2, 1942 Charles Kitto Gives Founders' Day Address
Sat., May 2, 1942 Norman Olewiler Receives 1902 Award
Sun., May 31, 1942 1942 Baccalaureate
Mon., Jun. 1, 1942 1942 Commencement
Mon., Jun. 1, 1942 Harry Flood Byrd Gives Address
Sun., Oct. 4, 1942 Freshman Annex Opens
Thu., Oct. 8, 1942 Harry N. Holmes Speaks on War
Sun., Oct. 18, 1942 Hosmer Johnson and Wife Speak on Interfaith Relations
Mon., Oct. 19, 1942 1942 Community Chest Drive Ends
Tue., Oct. 20, 1942 1942 Conway Scrap
Tue., Nov. 3, 1942 Gaither Warfield Speaks on Conditions in Occupied Countries
Sat., Nov. 7, 1942 Service Flag is Dedicated
Sat., Nov. 7, 1942 1942 Homecoming Football Game
Tue., Nov. 17, 1942 Interfraternity Council Forms
Fri., Dec. 4, 1942 Edwin Willoughby Speaks on Elizabethan Literature
Fri., Dec. 4, 1942 Montgomery P. Sellers Dies
Mon., Dec. 7, 1942 Capt. W. N. Thomas Gives Chapel Address on Battlefront Religion
Wed., Dec. 9, 1942 Blind Artists Concert
Sat., Jan. 9, 1943 Dramatic Club Presents "Campus Capers"
Sun., Jan. 24, 1943 Midwinter Convocation 1943
Sun., Jan. 24, 1943 Midwinter Convocation Baccalaureate Service 1943
Wed., Feb. 3, 1943 Major Wilson Speaks to Science Club on War Medicine
Wed., Mar. 31, 1943 Date Bureau is Created
Mon., April 12, 1943 War Bond Skit
Sun., May 23, 1943 1943 Baccalaureate
Sun., May 23, 1943 1943 Commencement
Sun., May 23, 1943 Oliver James Hart Gives Address
Sun., May 23, 1943 John Wesley Lord '27 Receives Honorary Degree
Sun., Jan. 30, 1944 Midwinter Convocation 1944
Sun., Jan. 30, 1944 Midwinter Convocation Baccalaureate Service 1944
Mon., Feb. 7, 1944 Bishop McConnell delivers Morgan Lecture
Tue, Feb. 29, 1944 Boyd Lee Spahr confers degrees to four Dickinson College students at Franklin and Marshall College
Sun., May 28, 1944 1944 Baccalaureate
Sun., May 28, 1944 1944 Commencement
Sun., May 28, 1944 Fred Pierce Corson Gives Address and Receives Second Honorary Degree
Sun., Oct. 1, 1944 Fall Convocation Baccalaureate 1944
Thu., Nov. 9, 1944 Earle Spicer Performs
Sun., Jun. 3, 1945 1945 Baccalaureate
Sun., Jun. 3, 1945 1945 Commencement
