Selected Highlights from this Issue
- Frank R. Maze was appointed head football coach.
- Dr. J. Clair McCullough (class of 1909) filled in for Dean Russel I. Thopson's while he was ill.
- Oil portraits of President William W. Edel (class of 1915) and Dr. Montgomery Porter Sellers (class of 1893) were donated to the College.
- Dr. Guy C. Crist (class of 1920) was named President of the Medical and Surgical Staff of the Harrisburg Hospital.
- Dr. J. Roy Strock (class of 1903) and his wife, Elizabeth M. Evans (class of 1909), returned to the United States after four decades as Lutheran missionaries in India.
- John P. Milligan (class of 1926) was named Superintendent of Atlantic City Schools.
- Reviewers praised Bulwark of Liberty: Early Years at Dickinson, the first volume of the Boyd Lee Spahr lectures on Americana.
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