Benton, Thomas Hart

    Entries drawn from collection & document descriptions

Letter from James Buchanan to V. Best
March 21, 1836

Senator James Buchanan writes to V. Best and discusses whether to vote for or against "Colonel Benton’s Expunging resolution." "I have been somewhat astonished that several of my friends in Pennsylvania have advised me to disobey the Instructions of the [Pennsylvania] Legislature," as Buchanan...

Location: MC 1998.10, B1, F15

Subject: Politics and Government

Format: Letters/Correspondence

Time Period: 1820-1839

Letters from James Buchanan to Edward D. Gazzam

Senator James Buchanan writes three letters to Edward D. Gazzam regarding political maters in Pennsylvania as well as the national level. Democrats will "leave the Whig party to themselves" because, as Buchanan explains, "this party contains within itself the seeds of its own destruction."...

Location: MC 1998.10

Subject: Politics and Government

Format: Letters/Correspondence

Time Period: 1840-1859

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