Gamma Phi Beta Plaque, c.1980

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00107
Shelf 3 (housed with AC 00104-00107)

Stained wooden plaque with coated paper bearing a message to the Gamma Phi Beta sorority from the Alpha Delta Epsilon Sorority, given by the class of 1982.


Alpha Delta Epsilon Derby Week Plaque, 1977

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00536
Shelf 2 (housed with AC 00533-00536, AC 00544)

Shield-shaped wooden plaque with a gold-tone placard inscribed with “Alpha Delta Epsilon, Derby Week, Spirit Award, 1977”. Alpha Delta Epsilon was a local sorority that left the national Phi Mu organization in 1967 and was active until 1980.


Wooden Alpha Delta Epsilon Sign, c.1970

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00535
Shelf 2 (housed with 00533-00536, 00544)

Wooden sign with “ΑΔΕ” spelled out in raised wooden letters. Alpha Delta Epsilon was a local sorority that left the national Phi Mu organization in 1967 and was active until 1980.


Alpha Delta Epsilon Scholarship Award Plaque, 1967

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00534
Shelf 2 (housed with 00533-00536, 00544)

Large wooden plaque with gold-tone placards inscribed with “Scholarship Award” and the names of the award winners from each semester between Fall, 1967 and Fall, 1969. Alpha Delta Epsilon was a local sorority that left the national Phi Mu organization in 1967 and was active until 1980.

Alpha Delta Epsilon Felt Plaque, c.1970

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00533
Shelf 2 (housed with AC 00533-00536, AC 00544)

Cardboard and felt handmade pentagonal plaque with “ΑΔΕ” spelled out in a stylized manner in green cord. Alpha Delta Epsilon was a local sorority that left the national Phi Mu organization in 1967 and was active until 1980.
