James Buchanan Teacups and Saucers
A set of five white and pink china teacups and saucers with gold gilt detail. President James Buchanan used this set while in office at the White House.
A set of five white and pink china teacups and saucers with gold gilt detail. President James Buchanan used this set while in office at the White House.
A brown wooden cane with a carved white ivory handle. On the handle the inscription reads "M. Mengel. Jan 13, 1883". The cane is said to have belonged to James Buchanan.
A carved wooden dipper, purportedly made of orange root, given to James Buchanan.
Cut glass pen holder and inkwell with pewter cap, reportedly given to J. Foullerout by James Buchanan in 1867.
Tintype of Harriet Lane in a brown case with red velvet interior from around 1857. Lane, the niece of President James Buchanan, acted as First Lady of the United States from 1857 to 1861.
Large bronze medal featuring James Buchanan's profile and “1857” on obverse, issued by the U. S. Mint. The reverse side of the medal features a farmer leaning on a plow, talking with a Native American Chief while an American flag flies in the background. Gift of Dan Bechtel, class of 1975.
Gold one dollar James Buchanan presidential commemorative coin released by the US mint in August 2010.
Bronze coin featuring James Buchanan bust and “No Sectionalism” on obverse and symbol for 31 states on reverse, issued for the 1856 presidential campaign. Donated by Boyd Lee Spahr, class of 1900, in 1960.
Silver commemorative medal featuring the profile of James Buchanan on the obverse side and Wheatland, Buchanan's house, on the reverse.
Two Presidential commemorative coins (one silver, one gold) featuring James Buchanan in profile on the front with the dates of his term in office and a picture of the White House on the reverse.
Two gold coins commemorating President James Buchanan's birth place.