Men's Glee Club - College Songs, 1954

This post features an album by Dickinson College's Men's Glee Club. The album was released on two discs, each with two sides, for a total of 12 songs. To listen to a specific song, please use the Timestamps sheet below.

George M. Gill wrote the album description, Laurence Radtke was the President of the Glee Club, and Dr. Gilbert Malcolm was the Faculty Advisor. To see the rest of the club's members, click "View Album."

John Dickinson, His College, 1948

"John Dickinson, His College" is a video filmed during the 1947-1948 academic year for prospective students as well as part of the celebration for Dickinson's 175th Anniversary. It shows footage of various campus buildings, downtown Carlisle, faculty and administration, students, classroom instruction, chapel, sports, convocation, and clips from the parade to celebrate Dickinson's 175th Anniversary.