Robert Laurenson Dashiell (1825-1880) was born in Salisbury, Md. He attended Dickinson College, graduating in 1846. He received a Divinity degree from Wesleyan University in 1866. In 1868 he became president of Dickinson College and retained that post until 1872. During his tenure as president, the college underwent the "Rebellion of 1870," in which the members of the junior and sophomore classes took part in a celebration of the 15th amendment. The faculty gave severe penalties for those absent from classes and the students, in protest, withdrew "themselves from all duties until the Faculty and Students come to an understanding." The students were suspended but the faculty, faced with disaster, withdrew the suspensions on May 17, 1870. The collection consists of a bound notebook of essays, class lectures, and monthly grade and treasurer's accounts from Dashiell's student days at Dickinson College; two letters; a report to the Methodist Conference; a printed circular describing the "Reception of Dr. Dashiell, President-Elect of Dickinson"; and a printed circular revoking the suspension of the junior and sophomore classes at Dickinson. The essays in the student notebook include Dashiell's addresses to the Union Philosophical Society in 1845 and 1846, his commencement oration, extensive notes from Professor Allen's Natural Sciences course, and monthly reports from Oct. 24, 1843 through June 30, 1846.