Policy Changes

    Entries drawn from the college history timeline

Tue., Sep. 1, 1987

A new policy regarding drinking and parties on campus began during the academic year of 1987-1988. The policy required that any group hosting a social event had to submit a Registration Form, 48 hours in advance, registering the social event with the director of Residential Life, Marty Redman....

Event Type: Policy Changes, Student Social Life
Sun., Mar. 6, 1988

On March 6th, 1988, an open forum, hosted by a Student Senate committee, was held to discuss the newly proposed alcohol policy. Very few students actually attended, which was attributed to the location, the time, and the lack of advertisement. The senate committee, which created a new document...

Event Type: Policy Changes
Tue., Apr. 5, 1988

The College Bookstore and other vending machines on campus stopped providing cigarettes and other tobacco products for students. In a meeting on April 5th, Dr. Michael Britton (treasurer of the College) and John Davis (manager of the College Bookstore) decided with Michael Helm (director of...

Event Type: Policy Changes
Thu., Sep. 21, 1989

On September 21st, 1989, Student Senate hosted a student referendum where students could express their opinions about the vote that the Select Committee Report made on Greek Life. The meeting lasted about three hours and at the end of the meeting, students voted on whether or not they agreed...

Event Type: Policy Changes
Mon., Oct. 8, 1990

Dickinson Campus Security was renamed the Department of Safety and Security, and a new emergency number (extension 1111) was established.

Event Type: Policy Changes
Thu., Dec. 4, 2018

On Dec. 4, 2018, Dickinson's faculty voted to remove the Physical Education graduation requirement.

Event Type: Policy Changes


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