Dickinsonian Newspaper

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The Alpha Chi Rho fraternity hosts a special reception for Mothers' Day.  "The Temple", a magazine of campus verse created by Beau Geste, the Dickinson College poetry club, is ready for print.  Harold Kline is elected as the new head of the Intra...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Sophomore George R. Conners publishes a booklet of verse entitled "Poems of a Shut-In", written by his prominent father during a long period of illness.  John Biddle is unanimously chosen as the president of the Men's Senate.  Various class...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Another year is culminated by graduation and the annual commencement ceremonies.  Bradford Oliver McIntire, Professor of English and American Literature, retires after 39 years of service.  Former Dickinson president James Henry Morgan returns...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Daily chapel services abolished; services will only be held on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  George Robert Stephens, Horace A. Rogers, Elmer Charles Herber and E. Winifred Chapman join the faculty.  Renovations of Old West are completed. ...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Class in archery offered to female students.  Freshman class ('33) elects officers.


Dickinsonian Front Page

Homecoming Weekend is planned.  Sororities pledge new members.

Dickinsonian Front Page

Athletic Association institutes stricter ticket policy for game admission.  Annual college picnic features faculty-student baseball game.  Fraternities pledge new members. 

Dickinsonian Front Page

The Literary Societies plan their rushing program.  C. Lincoln Brown is elected vice president of Student Senate.

Dickinsonian Front Page

The Dickinson faculty are listed along with their C.V.s.  F. E. Craver denies the Carnegie Foundation's accusation that Dickinson subsidizes athletes beyond tuition costs.  Homecoming Weekend. 

Dickinsonian Front Page

Cross-country wins Central Pennsylvania Conference cup.  Dickinson football loses to Gettysburg.  Nineteen freshmen pledge into Belles Lettres. 

Dickinsonian Front Page

Debate team faces team from Victoria College of New Zealand.  Tribunal clarifies freshman rules.  College celebrates Armistice Day.

Dickinsonian Front Page

Hugh MacCotter elected president of Freshman class.  Annual Soph Hop planned.  Week of Prayer is held.  Freshman football defeats Gettysburg.

Dickinsonian Front Page

Juniors win the women's inter-class swim meet.  Doll Show to be held in the Old Gymnasium. 

Dickinsonian Front Page

Annual Doll Show is planned.  YMCA and YWCA lead drive to donate Christmas gifts to orphaned children.

Dickinsonian Front Page

Doll Show is successful.  Boy Scout Leaders' Training Course to be held at Dickinson.  Linoleum is laid down on the library floor. 

Dickinsonian Front Page

Greek Club elects officers; Bernard L. Green is president.  Phi Kappa Psi donates a trophy to be given to the winner of the interfraternity swim meet.  Football changes the way in which its captains are elected.  Warren C. Lummis installed as...

Dickinsonian Front Page

The college obtains the original of all American portraits of Charles Nisbet.  Physics department head Professor John Frederick Mohler dies from lobar pneumonia.

Dickinsonian Front Page

Former Dickinson president Dr. George Edward Reed dies.  Professor J. H. Parlin succeeds Mohler as head of physics department.  Basketball defeats Gettysburg.  Thomas Gibb '33 is injured in a fire drill.

Dickinsonian Front Page

Annual junior prom is held.  Fraternities initiate new members.  Professor Leon C. Prince is injured in an automobile accident.

Dickinsonian Front Page

La Verne Casner elected as most outstanding member of junior class.  Men's Student Senate passes a bill, at the suggestion of Omicron Delta Kappa, creating a committee to audit the books of student organizations not financially supported by the...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Dickinsonian to hold annual banquet.  Sigma Chi wins Interfraternity cup in intramural basketball.  A portrait of James Wilson to be purchased for the college under the leadership of Boyd Lee Spahr, Esq.  Debate team defeats Penn State.  Men's...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Trustee Lemuel T. Appold establishes Charles K. Zug Memorial Fund for scholarships at Dickinson.  Final exam schedule is cancelled to make room for Carnegie Foundation tests.  German Club gives exam for scholarship trip to Germany contest. ...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Athletic Association holds annual D dinner.  Union Philosophical Society inducts new officers.  YMCA elects officers.  Dickinson Club of Baltimore holds annual dinner.  YMCA and YWCA to joint-present forum discussions.  Dickinson loses annual...

Dickinsonian Front Page

YMCA and YWCA hold a debate about Prohibition.  Senior class decides not to hold a senior ball.  An all-college dance will replace fraternity dances at commencement.  Alfred O. Keedy wins German Club scholarship to Germany.  Phi Kappa Psi wins...

Dickinsonian Front Page

W. Burg Anstine wins inter-class debating contest; will represent Dickinson at inter-collegiate oratorical contest.  WSGA and YWCA elect officers.
