Number of Pages
September 29, 1833

United States Attorney General Roger Brooke Taney writes a confidential letter to William Beall, asking for help defending his character. "Today a friend has sent me the Frederick Herald," Taney explains, "and I perceive that articles in relation to me have been inserted there precisely for the purpose of being transcribed into the opposition papers..." Taney is particularly worried about the way that opponents characterize his spending habits: "It is true I have never spared my money where family connections needed it or the calls of charity or any public object required me to use it...[but] I never spent anything beyond my income...I did not hoard money but I never went in debt..." Taney also refers to his former slaves, "all of which I have since emancipated, [and] were treated with the indulgence of children." Transcript included.

Time Period
Gift of Yale Asbell
Letter from Roger B. Taney to William Beall