Tue., Oct. 03, 1950
Mr. L. E. Tsao discussed China’s position post-World World II and the Korean War. Tsao served as a United Nations Secretariat, editor of an economic magazine, a humanitarian, and the President of University of Peiping. He discussed that America could not be separated from Asia due to war that has left Europe divided. The Soviet Union and the United States are struggling for world leadership when it used to be England and France struggling for world leadership. Furthermore, he notes the United States making repeated mistakes in their relationship with China Nationalist and Communist parties. Mr. Tsao noted that the war in Korea is not a regional war, but a global war of democracy versus communism, and Korean is the first phase to many countries choosing between democracy and communism. He foreshadowed that Indo-China would be the next region to have conflicts between democracy and communism. Mr. Tsao suggested that the United States organize liberal forces in the East to have the responsibility spreading messages and to fight the Korean War without Americans needing to fight.