Journal of Horatio Collins King

Horatio Collins King, a member of the Class of 1858, records his thoughts and activities of his daily life in the first year after his graduation from Dickinson College.
Horatio Collins King, a member of the Class of 1858, records his thoughts and activities of his daily life in the first year after his graduation from Dickinson College.
Horatio Collins King was the son of Postmaster General Horatio King and the nephew of Dickinson College President Charles Collins. A graduate of Dickinson College, class of 1858, King was admitted to the bar in 1861 and saw active service in the Civil War from 1862 until 1865. A songwriter, King composed the Dickinson Alma Mater, among other works. The collection contains King's correspondence, diaries, and copies of his songs. Topics in correspondence and diaries include student life, Civil War, and democratic politics.
The journals in this collection are available for reading online (see links for related entries below).