Receipt for Militia Account between Jasper Yates and the Continental Congress

John Montgomery issues a receipt for funds paid by the Continental Congress to Jasper Yeates and himself for militia pay and allowance.
John Montgomery issues a receipt for funds paid by the Continental Congress to Jasper Yeates and himself for militia pay and allowance.
John Montgomery, Hugh Patrick, George Newberry and Paul Zantzinger issue receipts for various items between June 11 and June 20, 1776 to Jasper Yeates.
George Wood sends an order to Jasper Yeates to pay a debt to John Montgomery. Includes Montgomery's receipt dated October 19, 1774.
John Montgomery issues a receipt for wheat to Curtis and Peter Grubb.
Thomas Walker writes the Committee of Congress for Indian Affairs and asks that they pay Joseph Simon and John Campbell for the "sundry merchandize" that they provided "for the use of this Department." John Montgomery, John Harris, and Jasper Yea
John Montgomery writes to Captain Jasper Yeates concerning impending Indian War. As he believes that residents are unprepared and in need of immediate assistance, Montgomery asks Captain Yeates to write a Mr. Wilson for assistance.
Captain John Montgomery writes to Major Thomas Lloyd in reply to letter received on June 3rd. "I will not be able to march to Lancaster of Friday next as you have requested as I am still raising men for my company." Transcript included.
Captain John Montgomery writes Richard Peters to recommend John Hadden for a commission as ensign. Montgomery explains that his “Company are Desireous that no other person should have the commission but [Hadden].” Transcript included.
Commanding General of the United States Army William Tecumseh Sherman writes Horatio Collins King to discuss the military's political tensions with Congress that exist despite the fact that US Army "Regulars...
Horatio Collins King (Class of 1858) writes to Luther R. Marsh saying he will send additional reports about the Society of the Army of the Potomac.
President of Pennsylvania John Dickinson signs this warrant to pay John Hays for his service as a soldier during the Revolutionary War. David Rittenhouse, Esquire, is listed on the document as the treasurer.
United States Supreme Court Justice Robert Cooper Grier (Class of 1812) writes to Aubrey H. Smith regarding the secession crisis.
Simon Cameron writes to Reah Frazer, an attorney in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, and requests copies of James Buchanan's speeches against the war, presumably the Mexican-American War.
William Bradford Reed writes an unknown recipient and discusses President James Buchanan's perspective on the secession crisis.
Former Attorney General Edwin McMasters Stanton writes former President James Buchanan to discuss public affairs in Washington and comment on events that occurred during the last few months of Buchanan's administration.
Former US Senator Benjamin Harrison writes to Horatio Collins King and explains that he cannot attend the annual reunion of the Society of the Potomac in Troy, New York.
Horatio Collins King writes Governor Elect of New York Grover Cleveland and thanks him for the appointment as a Judge Advocate in the National Guard. King notes his "sincere thanks for... making me a member of your military family."
George Cary Eggleston, the editor of Hearth and Home, warns Horatio Collins King that a "story" he submitted may imply partisanship - a sensitive topic following the Civil War.
Horatio Collins King writes to Luther R. Marsh, reminiscing about an enjoyable reunion they had had and discussing the value and interest of the Annual Reports. A postscript adds that he voted for William McKinley.
Edwin McMasters Stanton writes to former President James Buchanan regarding the start of the Civil War, stating that " in less than 30 days Davis will be in possession of Washington."
Edwin McMasters Stanton writes to former President James Buchanan apologizing for his previous letters being delayed by the Baltimore Riot. Stanton tells Buchanan news regarding the Civil War and President Lincoln's administration.
Edwin McMasters Stanton writes to former President James Buchanan regarding the Civil War.
Edwin McMasters Stanton writes to James Buchanan stating that Stanton and their friends were very pleased by Judge Jeremiah Sullivan Black's message that Buchanan was in good health.
Edwin Stanton writes to former President James Buchanan regarding Bethel Bridge near Fortress Monroe and military appointments during the Civil War.
Edwin McMasters Stanton writes to former President James Buchanan regarding his opinion on the future for the Confederates and Fort Sumter, and the expectation of a battle at Fairfax.