Dickinson Pennant (black), c.2005
A black felt Dickinson pennant with red trim and tassels. The pennant features a large Dickinson red and white “D” with the text “DICKINSON COLLEGE” in red.
A black felt Dickinson pennant with red trim and tassels. The pennant features a large Dickinson red and white “D” with the text “DICKINSON COLLEGE” in red.
A cream ceramic stein with a handle and a silver metal lid. The Dickinson College seal is printed in read on the front and a pennant is printed in red and white on the back.
White round commencement buttons and one oval commencement buttons with,“My Name is James A. Strite, ’29.”
White round button with college seal and name, and “Commencement” in red, with “My Name is Dean Hoffman,” a member of the Class of 1949.