Pocket Watch and Pocket Knife, 1917

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00844
Shelf 25

This 12K gold pocket watch is engraved with the monogram H.L.P. The watch is attached by a chain to a Phi Beta Kappa key with the fraternity letters on one side with "Henry L. Price Dickinson 1917" and "December 5, 1770," the fraternity's founding, on the other. It is also attached to a monogrammed pocket knife kit.


Phi Beta Kappa Key, 1919

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00770
Shelf 25 (housed with AC 00771, AC 00776 and AC 00794-795)

A small gold metal necklace charm of a Phi Beta Kappa key with “Beatrice Carmitchel, Dickinson ’19, December 5, 1776” engraved on the back. Given by donor’s mother (Beatrice Earle Carmitchell) to donor (her daughter) at her graduation from Dickinson in 1951.


Phi Beta Kappa key, 1905

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00145
Shelf 26 (housed with AC 00141 - AC 00160)

Gold key inscribed with name of James M. Green who was made an honorary member of Phi Beta Kappa in 1905. (Green graduated in 1878, before the Phi Beta Kappa chapter at Dickinson had been established.)
