Pinkney Plaque (second edition), c.1979

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00790
Shelf 16

This rectangular bronze metal plaque hung by the old East College gate, replacing an earlier plaque that had been stolen but not recovered until after this replacement was created. The plaque features a passage written in honor of Noah Pinkney. Though never an employee of Dickinson College, Pinkney sold pretzels, sandwiches, ice cream, cakes, and pies to Dickinson students and staff members. He was fixture in any around campus for decades, and was very fondly remembered by generations of Dickinsonians. 

This plaque was removed in 2011 during repairs and restoration to the East College gate, and a newer plaque with updated language was installed in its place in 2012. 

Emmy Award, 1976

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 2016.4_01
Shelf 40 (Box 1)

The Emmy Award for Outstanding Special – Drama or Comedy for Sybil a television film produced by Philip Capice (Class of 1952). It is a large golden statue presented by the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. 

Peabody Award, 2007

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00847
Shelf 19

An award with a gold medallion on a black stand. The front of the medallion has a profile of Peabody with the words "The University of Georgia" above it and "George Foster Peabody" below it. There is a golden label on the black sand with a description of the recipient which alludes to Jones's ruling on the Kitzmiller v. Dover School District case where he ruled against the teaching of intelligent design in public school curriculum.

Phi Epsilon Pi Plaque, 1978

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00874
Shelf 17 (housed with AC 00871)

The plaque that was dedicated to the Phi Epsilon Pi Fraternity was made out of wood and metal.  It is in the shape of a shield and in the center is "In Appreciation from the Phi Epsion Pi Iota Sorority for Your Help with Our Chapter" since Phi Epsion Pi Iota Sorority had just formed.

Varsity Club Award, 1953

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00857
Shelf 27 (housed with AC 00617)
Trophy with a figure dressed in a baseball uniform.  The inscription on the trophy reads: "Dickinson College Varsity Baseball Club Award James Pritchard 1953"

Horse Show Trophy, 2001

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00615
Shelf 36

A trophy won by the Dickinson College Equestrian Team at the Wilson College Intercollegiate Horse Show for Reserve Champion. Attached to the black, white, blue and gold trophy is a red, yellow and white award ribbon.


Trophy, 1996

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00618
Shelf 36

A black and gold plastic trophy from the Pennsylvania State Individual Events Championships Sweepstakes. On the base is a black plaque with text engraved in gold that reads "1996 PENNSYLVANIA INDIVIDUAL EVENTS CHAMPIONSHIPS SWEEPSTAKES SIXTH PLACE". Attached to the base are two black and gold columns and a gold "96". Above that stands another base with three figures on top, two are small eagles and the center figurine is a large winged victory figure.
