Old West Gold Plate, 2010
Gold plate with an engraving of Old West.
Gold plate with an engraving of Old West.
A hand-crafted and cross-stitched quilt by members of the Class of 1961 for their 50th Class Reunion in June, 2011. The quilt features eight campus buildings and the college seal surrounded by two red borders.On the back the text "Designed and Created by Members of the Class of '61" is embroidered in black.
A rectangular bronze plaque mounted on white base with the inscription "Music Rooms Presented by Class of 1953". On the back of the white base is the inscription in pencil "Inside White, top".
Brass door knob from the west entrance to East College.
Two copper printing plates of Denny Hall, one before the 1904 fire and one during the fire.
Five metal keys of various shapes and sizes that were used in Old West, from the early to mid-twentieth century.
A spoon, pottery sherds, and a button that were found during an excavation of Hurwitz Green (between Stern Center and East College) in 2000.
Image of Denny hall painted on a porcelain hanging ornament.
Flat ceramic model of the front of Old West.
Brass letters "C" and "H" and "1914" mounted on a dark wooden shield, made for Conway Hall. Donated by Florence Hutchison Baker in 1971.
Two white heavy duty plastic hard hats, one belonging to Richard Krick, used during construction of the Waidner-Spahr Library in 1998.