"D" Felt Letter, 1963

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00791
Reading Room Shelf 4 (housed with AC 00768-69, AC 00781-85, AC 00788-89)
A large Dickinson “D” made of red and white felt material with a small felt baseball sewed onto the bottom of the “D”. On the back “Dave Chapin 1963 Captain” is written in black marker next to the manufacturer’s sticker.

Cheerleading Letter, c.1950

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00861
Shelf 22

Made out of red and white felt-like material.  The overall shape of the cheerleading letter is the shape of a "D" with a megaphone through it.


Varsity Club Award, 1953

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00857
Shelf 27 (housed with AC 00617)
Trophy with a figure dressed in a baseball uniform.  The inscription on the trophy reads: "Dickinson College Varsity Baseball Club Award James Pritchard 1953"

Fabric Letters and Numbers, 1965

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00812
RR 02 (housed with AC 00465-466, AC 00811)

Six red and white fabric "D"'s and four numbers (1, 5, 6 and 9) worn on athletic apparel. Two of the "D"'s feature the lacrosse symbol, two feature the symbol for track, and the last two have "Squash" embroidered in white. These items belonged to Jim Hatch.


Jive Turkeys Jersey, c.2004

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00809
Shelf 10 (housed with AC 00803-00808, AC 00810)

A light blue and dark blue jersey, size medium, with the Jive Turkeys team design, featuring a turkey and the text "The Jive Turkeys" in blue and "Jickinson College Ultimate" in red. On the back "George W. Bush 666" is printed in blue. This item belongs to Andrew Cassidy-Amstutz. 


Horse Show Trophy, 2001

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00615
Shelf 36

A trophy won by the Dickinson College Equestrian Team at the Wilson College Intercollegiate Horse Show for Reserve Champion. Attached to the black, white, blue and gold trophy is a red, yellow and white award ribbon.


Dickinson Swim Caps, c.1989

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00799
RR 08 (housed with AC 00800, AC 00518-519, and AC 00676)

Three black latex swim team caps. Two caps have a design with a red “D” with a black devil’s tail running through it with the text “Red Devils” in white. The other cap features the text “DICKINSON SWIMMING” in white and red.
