Phi Kappa Psi Pledge Paddle, 1960

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00792
Shelf 11 (housed with AC 00584)
A three foot long wooden paddle with handle. On one side is a list of the pledge’s names written in ink below a decal of the Phi Kappa Psi crest. On the other side is the continued list of the pledge’s names in ink above the decal of the Dickinson Red Devil sitting on the Greek letters of Phi Kappa Psi (ΦΚΨ) in gold and black.

Phi Kappa Psi Beer Stein, 1959

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00833
Shelf 14 (housed with AC 00829, AC 00830, AC 00831, AC 00832, AC 00836, AC 00837, AC 00838)

Ceramic beer stein with Phi Kappa Psi's symbol on the front and "Dickinson College" printed on the top. The year "1959" is printed in the middle of the stein through the symbol.  Belonged to George Kessler Livezey III (Class of 1959). 

Phi Kappa Psi Cup, c.2005

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00683
Shelf 21 (housed with AC 00001, AC 00045, AC 00265-6, AC 00600)

A red-orange plastic cup printed with "Phi Kappa Psi" twice and greek letters in green.


Phi Kappa Psi Convention Pin and Ribbon, 1937

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00190
Shelf 17 (housed with 00189-00193)

A gold rectangular pin with a paper insert "George Shuman, Da Zeta" written in black pen attached to a red silk ribbon with "Council Convention District II, N. C. Alpha, Phi Kappa Psi, April 29- May 1, 1937, Delegate" in black lettering.


Phi Kappa Psi Paddle

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00239
RR 01 (housed with AC 00238, AC 00242)

Paddle of light stained wood with leather strap and Phi Kappa Psi letters on front, "Grievance Committee" on reverse.
