Lewis Gobrecht's Name Buttons, 1955

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00433
Shelf 2 (housed with 00432-00436, 00443, 00459, 00470)

Buttons worn as name tags by Lewis Gobrecht '55 while attending Dickinson College Commencement and Dickinson College Guest Day as a student. Gobrecht majored in Political Science and History and was an active member of the College Choir, Glee Club, and the Dickinson Follies theater group. Gobrecht went on to have a long career teaching middle-school history in Carlisle.


Lewis Gobrecht's Academic Tassel, 1955

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00432
Shelf 2 (housed with 00433-00436, 00443, 00459, 00470)

Academic tassel of black braided cord worn by Lewis Gobrecht, class of 1955. Gobrecht majored in Political Science and History at Dickinson and was an active member of the College Choir, Glee Club, and the Dickinson Follies theater group. Gobrecht went on to have a long career teaching middle-school history in Carlisle.


Beta Delta Plaque, c.1960

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00103
Shelf 2

Silver platter with ornate trim inscribed with the recipients for the “Highest Scholarship on campus, Beta Delta, 1958-1960". This is possibly referring to the Beta Delta chapter of the Phi Mu sorority, which existed at Dickinson at that time.