Publisher: Harrisburg, PA: The Telegraph Press
Volume 3 of the Boyd Lee Spahr Lectures in Americana series includes essays from scholars that focus on various aspects of Dickinson College's history.
Table of Contents:
-- "The Historical Perspective of John Dickinson" by H. Trevor Colbourn
-- "A Certain Great Fortune and Piddling Genius" by John H. Powell
-- "Benjamin Rush and the American Revolution" by Gottfried Dietze
-- "Dickinson College and the 'Broad Bottom' of Early Education in Pennsylvania" by Alfred Owen Alridge
-- "Joseph Priestley's American Education" by Robert E. Schofield
-- "Robert Coleman: From Immigrant Opportunist to Millionaire Ironmaster" by Frederic Shriver Klein
-- "Uncle James Madison and Dickinson College" by Ralph L. Ketcham
-- "Alfred Victor du Pont, Dickinsonian" by Norman B. Wilkinson
-- "Roger Brooke Taney and the Bank War" by Stuart W. Bruchey
-- "William Wood Gerhard: Pioneer in Nosology" by Fred Baker Rogers
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