Central PA Womyn’s Chorus “Keep on Moving Forward” Program - November 18 & 19, 2017

Number of Pages
November 18 and 19, 2017
Founded in 1994, the Central PA Womyn’s Chorus “brings together a diverse group of women, united by the joy of singing, to celebrate and empower women and to affirm a positive image of lesbians and feminists.” This event program is from the Central PA Womyn's Chorus' fall 2017 concert "Keep on Moving Forward," performed on November 18th at Mechanicsburg Presbyterian Church in Mechanicsburg and on November 19th at Colonial Park United Church of Christ in Harrisburg. The concert also featured Shaashawn "The Voyce" Dial.
General Subjects
Time Period
Gift of Mary Nancarrow
LGBT-102 The Central PA Womyn’s Chorus Collection

STUDS Magazine - circa June 2007 to April 2010

circa June 2007 to April 2010

STUDS Magazine was created by Lindsay Snowden and Shaashawn Dial in 2007 as a place to showcase cloths made by and for masculine identifying women and celebrate these “handsomely beautiful women.” STUDS ran from 2007 – 2010.

Digital versions of these issues are unavailable to access online. Please contact archives@dickinson.edu for more information.

Time Period
Gift of Lindsay Snowden
LGBT-032 Lindsay Snowden Collection

LGBT History Project: LGBT-032 Lindsay Snowden Collection

Number of Pages
2007 - 2014

Lindsay Snowden was born in Pittsburgh on March 15, 1976. Lindsay joined the military at 17 and was an army nurse for nine years. After the military Lindsay stayed in nursing, while also becoming an entrepreneur. Lindsay worked on many projects in the Central PA area, which included: forming the first all-black drag king troupe in Central PA, House of Gaines; co-founding and editing STUDS Magazine; and running the Central PA Vipers, a women’s semi-professional full contact football team.

This collection contains materials related to STUDS Magazine and the Central PA Viper’s all-female football team. There is also a flyer advertising Voyce Mail, a spoken word CD created by Shaashawn Dial and produced by Lindsay Snowden, and two collections of poetry books written by Shaashawn Dial.

General Subjects
Time Period
Gift of Lindsay Snowden
LGBT-032 Lindsay Snowden Collection

LGBT History Project: LGBT-025 Shaashawn Dial Collection

Number of Pages

Shaashawn Dial is as a poet, radio broadcaster, educator, author, and businesswoman. Kown as Shaashawn “The Voyce” Dial, and she released her debut spoken word album, Voycemail, after that nickname. Dial became the program director of 1400 THE TOUCH in 2003, and then in 2006 became the creator/hostess of The Shaashawn Dial Show: A Dial Movement. She was an educattion coordinator and adjunct faculty member, published two books of poetry, and as a businesswoman was a magazine editor, manager, and founder of Voycetress Media, LLC.

Dial has also been active within the LGBTQ+ community of Central PA. She was the Director of Equity and Affirmative Action and the Staff Liaison to the Harrisburg Relations Commission for the city of Harrisburg. She served as the inaugural co-chair of PA Governor Tom Wolf’s Commission on the LGBTQ Affairs. She was also on the Board of Directors of the LGBT Center of Central PA for seven years, during which time she completed a term as president.

Time Period
Gift of Shaashawn Dial
LGBT-025 Shaashawn Dial Collection