Welch, Peg (Stoppard)

York Area LAMBDA General Meetings Memo - January 17 and February 21, 1993
January 17 and February 21, 1993

York Area LAMBDA memo in replacement of general meeting minutes for January 17 and February 21 meetings. The memo updates members on the status of the gay rights ordinance proposed by Mayor Althaus to the York City Council. 

York Area...

Memo from Peg Welch about "Coming Out" - January 30, 1993
January 30, 1993

Peg Welch's stance on coming out when fighting for LGBTQ+ rights in York, PA.

York Area LAMBDA, started in the 1990s and originally known as York Support Inc., was an educational, political, and social group for the LGBTQ+ community of...

York Area LAMBDA Newsletter - May/June 1996
May/June 1996

York Area LAMBDA monthly newsletter with focus on Peg (Stoppard) Welch resigning as President.

York Area LAMBDA, started in the 1990s and originally known as York Support Inc., was an educational, political, and social group for the LGBTQ...

Collection: LGBT-080 - Welch


Organizations: York Area LAMBDA

View Item: PDF icon York Area LAMBDA Newsletter - May/June 1996

Peg Welch
March 22, 2015

Peg Welch was born in December of 1951 near in Chester County, Pennsylvania to her father, a carpenter, and her mother, a candy maker. A young mother to two children, Peg did not graduate from high school, but received her GED and worked at...

LGBT History Project: LGBT-080 Peg & Delma Welch Collection
1989 - 2013

Peg (Stoppard) Welch was born in December 1951 near Chester County, Pennsylvania. Peg was a young mother of two and worked at various jobs until joining Parents Without Partners where she met her second husband, Phil. With his help, Peg was able...

Subscribe to Welch, Peg (Stoppard)